Creative Prose

“All On My Own” By Adam Reaves

Mirror, Mirror, Mother, Mother

By Grace Jensen

My earliest memories of my mother were full of light, of color and of harmony. She worked a lot throughout my childhood and to this day, but every moment we had together I savored. I can still smell the cobblers we’d bake together during late school nights after she got home from the news station, I can still hear my little voice scolding her as we drew together on the kitchen floor: “I don’t want my mermaid to have eyebrows! Don’t put eyebrows on her!” I can still see her cheering in the audience after I sang my only line in my first musical.  Growing up, I loved having her as my built-in best friend. I think I felt a unity with her in our shared femininity and emotionality - living alongside my sarcastic father and little brother - and I just saw my Mom as simply perfect, someone I aspired to be. 

About the Author

Grace Jensen is from Portland Oregon and is currently a student at FLC majoring in Fine Arts. She has an interest in animation and art education for a possible career. Here is a link to Grace’s art portfolio for more of her pieces:

Baby to Teen

By Janet Wiese and Emma “Bird” Wiese

About the Author

Bird Wiese has always been fascinated by how writing and stories can convey emotion. Most of their current writing is about their relationships and experiences, but she hopes to write more fictional pieces in the future. Her piece “Baby to Teen” depicts the deep sense of belonging her grandmother brings to her life and represents love as an uplifting force that continues to exist by being shared. Bird found an abundance of joy in working with the rest of the editorial staff, and they believe that these experiences will continue to shape their path as they continue to explore this field.


By Jane Sellarole

About the Author

Jane Sellarole has been interested in writing and reading since middle school. From finding interests in fanfiction, embarrassingly, to falling in love with fantasy and drama series. Although she doesn’t write that often, when she does, she puts her whole heart and soul into it. She hopes to continue reading and exploring writing more throughout college and wants to strengthen her writing.

Child’s Hood

By Nathan Johnson

About the Author

Nathan Johnson was born and raised in Folsom, attending Folsom schools his entire life. He has also spent multiple years working for the Folsom based small businesses. As a True Folsomite studying general Ed at FLC, he has chosen to publish his first works in The Parlay, the FLC literary magazine. It’s hard to write without much experience outside of the suburbs, but he does his best to create works everyone can relate to.

The Farmer

By Nathan Johnson

Unknown Elements

By Nathan Johnson

The Lives We Live

By Nathan Johnson

March Madness

By David Lacy

About the Author

David Lacy is an English professor at Folsom Lake College and faculty advisor to The Parlay. He has backgrounds in journalism, Shakespearean drama, and rhetoric. In his spare time, he enjoys reading psychological thrillers, as well as writing, running, and hanging out with his two dogs: a lab-mix named Shado (misspelling intentional) and a husky named Ghost.

Dear Autumn

By Jasmine Eisenberg

About the Author

Jasmine Eisenberg is a Journalism student who will be transferring to a four-year university next fall. She has always been passionate about photography, but feels creative writing is her strong suit. Jasmine's long term goal is to live in London or another big city and work in publishing. She loves travel, coffee shops, rainy days, and hopes that her art may provide inspiration to other people. 

The Mermaid Chief

By Jeanette Weaskus

About the Author

Jeanette Weaskus is an enrolled member of the Nez Perce Tribe who grew up in North Highlands and graduated from Highlands High School. She briefly attended Sacramento City College and worked for California Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc. She has always loved the Sacramento landscape and the California Indian tribes. The following work is dedicated to the Valley Nisenan whose homelands include Sacramento.

Ook-oh-yim-nee (I am Going/Goodbye)

By Jeanette Weaskus